Just got back to McGillis from the farmers market. Oh the smells of fall are in the air .Squash, pears and apples were every where.
My farmer friend was pleased to give me his favorite apple, Akani. Its a smaller sweeter apple and mostly red. I bought two cases with the promise that he would bring me more next week. I found Italian plums that are so sweet and just the perfect size for small hands. I bought plenty of cantaloupe, enough for the whole school. Farmers are so glad to hear about the McGillis School and I make lots of friends when I want to purchase such large amounts. Usually the farmers make the prices lower if people buy in bulk.
Lets talk veggies, I found some beautiful peppers, red green and almost white. I found yellow cherry tomatoes, red and pear shaped baby tomatoes. Two types of green beans which I will roast and put on the salad bar. Lovely armenian cucumbers and red onions will look and taste wonderful on the salad bar. Fresh red potatoes will go in our veggie curry as a side to chicken and rice
Now here is the part that will cause moaning and whining aplenty from the rest of the kitchen staff.......... corn on the cob!!!!!!
I bought lots and lots of corn. It will take quite a bit of work to shuck corn. Cleaning all of the hairs and trimming each ear.
Oh well fresh corn only comes around one season a year.
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